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Analysis & Observations of the Issues Impacting Juvenile Justice
Welcome to @Issue360 ! Whether you are a juvenile probation officer, children and youth administrator, social worker, a law enforcement officer, elected official, provider, legislator, student or interested party we trust that you will find this monthly post of interest. Written by treatment professionals, it will analyze and offer commentary on the issues impacting your field today.
For the senior class at Mathom House, this year’s graduation ceremonies looked much different than any other year. Leading up to graduation, many seniors and their families were concerned that precautions due to the Corona Virus would cancel the event all together.
Covid-19 or simply coronavirus, has spread like wildfire, leaving behind an alarming number of victims. The virus that severely attacks the respiratory system and is transmitted through direct contact with infected people has swept through the US with over 340,000 cases and 10,900 deaths.
Are you feeling like this COVID-19 crisis is never going to end. We get glimmers of hope, therapeutic and testing breakthroughs, only to have them dashed by the daily reports of growing infections. Put another way, it seems likely that things are going to get worse before they get better.
As an organization committed to health and healing, Edison Court would like to take a moment to share the heightened preventative measures we have taken to continue serving adolescents, adults, and families in crisis, while concurrently responding to COVID-19 concerns. We are committed to... more
Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn describes mindfulness as a “process of being present in the moment without judgment and with care, concern, and compassion for self and others.” Teachings related to mindfulness have been around for thousands of years and are found in many religions. There have been numerous... more